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I thought it was~ 기초영어회화 자주쓰는패턴

by 에듀120 2023. 9. 27.

기초 영어회화 표현에서 자주 쓰는 패턴을 공부합니다. 아래 예문에 등장하는 어휘 가운데 사용 빈도가 높지 않아 정확한 뜻 확인이 필요한 어휘는 해당 어휘의 영어사전 검색결과로 링크를 걸어두었습니다.




오늘의 영어패턴 의미

오늘 살펴볼 영어패턴은 I thought it was~ 구문입니다. 우리말로는 '~라고 생각했어. ~였다고 생각했어.' 정도로 해석할 수 있습니다. 예전에 어떻게 생각했었는지 말할 때 사용할 수 있습니다. 어떤 일을 벌이게 된 이유나 배경을 설명할 때 자주 사용합니다. 지금은 그렇게 생각하지 않지만 그때는 그렇게 생각했었다는 뉘앙스를 담을 수 있습니다. 어떤 실수나 잘못을 시인할 때에도 자주 등장하는 표현입니다. 



오늘의 영어패턴 초급예문

I thought it was a good idea.

좋은 아이디어라고 생각했어.

I thought it was a mistake. 

실수였다고 생각했어.

I thought it was a joke.

농담이었다고 생각했어.


I thought it was wrong.

그게 틀렸다고 생각했어.


I thought it was right.

그게 맞았다고 생각했어.


I thought it was you.

그게 너라고 생각했어.


I thought it was good for you.

너한테 좋은 일이라고 생각했어.


I thought it was not good for you.

너한테 좋지 않은 일이라고 생각했어.


I thought it was not enough.

충분하지 않다고 생각했어.


I thought it was different.
그건 다르다고 생각했어.



오늘의 영어패턴 중급 예문

I thought it was a simple task, but it turned out to be quite complex.
간단한 작업이라고 생각했지만 상당히 복잡했어요.

I thought it was your favorite book, so I bought it for you.
당신이 좋아하는 책이라고 생각해서 그걸 사주었어요.

I thought it was a dream, but the reality was even better.

그게 꿈이라고 생각했지만 현실이 오히려 더 나았어요.

I thought it was a joke, but he was dead serious.
농담이라고 생각했지만 그는 정말로 진지했어요.
I thought it was an old photo, but it was taken yesterday.
옛날 사진이라고 생각했지만 바로 어제 찍은 것이었어요.

I thought it was a small problem, but it's causing big issues.
작은 문제라고 생각했지만 그게 큰 문제들을 일으켰어요.

I thought it was a beautiful painting, but it was just a poster.
아름다운 그림이라고 생각했지만 그냥 포스터였어요.

I thought it was a quiet place, but the noise was deafening.
조용한 장소라고 생각했지만 소음에 귀가 따가웠어요.

I thought it was a cold day, but the sun was shining brightly.
추운 날이라고 생각했지만 햇살은 밝게 빛나고 있었어요.

I thought it was a friendly dog, but it growled at me.
다정한 개라고 생각했지만 그 개는 내게 으르렁거렸어요.
I thought it was a short meeting, but it went on for hours.
짧은 미팅이라고 생각했지만 몇 시간 동안 계속되었어요.

I thought it was a delicious dessert, but it was tasteless.
맛있는 디저트라고 생각했지만 맛이 없었어요.

I thought it was a funny movie, but I didn't laugh once.
재밌는 영화라고 생각했지만 나는 한번도 웃지 않았어요.

I thought it was a quick trip, but we got stuck in traffic.
빨리 갈 것이라고 생각했지만 우리는 교통체증에 갇혔어요.

I thought it was an ordinary rock, but it was a precious gem.
평범한 돌이라고 생각했지만 귀한 보석이었어요.

I thought it was a safe neighborhood, but there was a break-in.
안전한 동네라고 생각했지만 침입사건이 있었어요.

I thought it was a healthy meal, but it was loaded with calories.
건강한 식사라고 생각했지만 열량이 높았어요.

I thought it was a small box, but it held a treasure inside.
작은 상자라고 생각했지만 그 안에 보물이 있었어요.

I thought it was a great deal, but I overpaid for it.
좋은 거래라고 생각했지만 값을 너무 많이 치렀어요.

I thought it was a sincere apology, but it was insincere.
진심 어린 사과라고 생각했지만 그것은 진심이 아니었어요.

I thought it was an easy decision, but it kept me up all night.
쉬운 결정일 것이라고 생각했지만 밤을 꼴딱 샜어요.

I thought it was a simple recipe, but I couldn't follow it.
간단한 레시피라고 생각했지만 따라하기 어려웠어요.

I thought it was a friendly smile, but it felt fake.
친절한 미소라고 생각했찌만 가짜처럼 느껴졌어요.

I thought it was a strong relationship, but it fell apart.
강력한 관계라고 생각했지만 헤어졌어요.

I thought it was a quick fix, but it made things worse.
빠른 해결책이라고 생각했지만 상황을 악화시켰어요.

I thought it was a relaxing vacation, but it was stressful.
쉬운 휴가일 것이라고 생각했지만 스트레스였어요.

I thought it was a beautiful song, but the lyrics were sad.
아름다운 노래라고 생각했지만 가사가 슬펐어요.

I thought it was a minor issue, but it escalated quickly.
작은 문제라고 생각했지만 그건 순식간에 커졌어요.

I thought it was a sincere compliment, but it sounded sarcastic.
진정 어린 칭찬이라고 생각했지만 비꼬는 것처럼 들렸어요.

I thought it was a trustworthy person, but they betrayed me.

신뢰할 만한 사람이라고 생각했지만 그들은 나를 배신했어요.

I thought it was a great opportunity, but I missed out.
좋은 기회라고 생각했지만 놓쳐버렸어요.
I thought it was a small mistake, but it had big consequences.
작은 실수라고 생각했지만 결과는 거대했어요.

I thought it was a well-written paper, but it had many errors.
잘 쓰여진 눈몬이라고 생각했지만 오류가 많았어요.

I thought it was a happy ending, but it was just the beginning.
행복한 결말이라고 생각했지만 단지 시작일 뿐이었어요.

I thought it was a cheap product, but it was high-quality.
저렴한 제품이라고 생각했지만 품질은 좋았어요.

I thought it was an ordinary day, but it turned out extraordinary.
보통의 날이라고 생각했지만 특별한 날이었어요.

I thought it was a casual conversation, but it got heated.
편안한 대화라고 생각했지만 분위기가 뜨거워졌어요.

I thought it was a straightforward path, but I got lost.
복잡하지 않은 길이라고 생각했지만 길을 잃었어요.
I thought it was a healthy plant, but it's dying. 
건강한 식물이라고 생각했지만 죽어가고 있어요.

I thought it was a strong foundation, but it crumbled.
튼튼한 기반을 갖췄다고 생각했지만 붕괴됐어요.

I thought it was a safe bet, but I lost my money.
안전한 내기라고 생각했지만 돈을 잃었어요.

I thought it was a helpful app, but it kept crashing.
도움이 되는 앱이라고 생각했지만 계속 다운됐어요.

I thought it was a quick process, but it took forever.
빠른 과정일 것이라고 생각했지만 영원히 걸렸어요.

I thought it was a true story, but it was a work of fiction.
실화일 것이라고 생각했지만 소설이었어요.

I thought it was a routine checkup, but the doctor had bad news.
일상적인 건강검진이라고 생각했지만 의사는 안 좋은 소식을 전해주었어요.